Party 30.09. - 01.10.23 · Club · Wroclaw, Polen Line-Up: ✫ JXXXO () ✫ Lucas Sosa (AR) () ✫ Cranz b2b Mislaw ✫ Hekato ✫ Rethe live ✫ Lucyd ✫ Brushchinska ✫ ADYA ✫ VJ: Ola WolanInfo: Całość collective is back in its hometown with 2 amazing guests from Argentina - JXXXO & Lucas Sosa and polish groove master Cranz. Workshops and art market with organic music during the day and 2 sta…Location: TRANSFORMATOR, Tęczowa 57 G, Wroclaw Vorbei: 1j 5m · 62 · Eingetragen von DNAprocess Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People CAŁOŚĆ | JXXXO, Lucas Sosa (AR), Cranz Wroclaw · Polen · Karte Sa., 30.09.23, 18:00 - So., 01.10., 08:00= 14stdClub · Vorbei: 1j 5m