Party 14. - 15.04.12 · In- & Outdoor · Elewijt, near Brussels, Belgien Line-Up: ▶▶ Freaked Frequency (Utopia rec) - 1st Time in Belgium ▶ Presentation of the new album " Nothing Stops " Behind the name of the project Freaked Frequency is producer Miloj…▶ Norion (Dacru Rec / GanjaTree Rec / B2B) BELGIUM ▶ Psylab (California Sun Productions) PORTUGAL ▶ Strophoria (Unio Mystica) BELGIUM ▶ Reason Freak's (California Sun Productio…Info: > Fresh Fruit in morning > Cheap drinks, Stalls with Food, like pizza, Vegie Food non Vegie, Irish Coffe, Burgers, Hotdoogs.. > Massage >> For the lucky ones who have birthdays on this day t…Location: 1982 Elewijt, Pater Penninckxstraat 32 Vorbei: 12j 10m · 3.199 · Eingetragen von California Sun Productions Fotos0 People California Sun Prod>> Freaked Frequency , Alienn , Ephedrix Elewijt, near Brussels · Belgien Sa., 14.04.12, 22:00 - So., 15.04., 09:00= 11stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m