Party 01. - 02.07.06 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande Line-Up: Rastaliens (BooM! Records, D) Braincell (Glowing Flame Records, CH)Jay (BooM! Records, D) Ralph (Braincell, CH) Rob (BooM! Records, NL) Mol'sHope (BooM! Records, NL)Info: Free BooM! Records Rastaliens CD for the first 50 people. This party is to celebrate 10 years of parties and releases by BooM! Records, who have been keeping the vibe alive since 1 July, 1996 :) A big…Location: Simpplon, Boterdiep, Groningen Vorbei: 18j 7m · 1.082 · Eingetragen von mattboom Fotos0 People BooM! Generation X Groningen · Niederlande Sa., 01.07.06, 23:30 - So., 02.07., 08:00= 8std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 7m