Party 27.04.16, 12:00 - 20:00 · Open Air · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: The traditional Kingsday party given by Bom Voyage at the Droogbak near Amsterdam Central Station is a go! LINE UP: MYRTOX (Uroboros Recs / Parasomnia Music) DE - LIVE CYBERNETIK FREAK (Beatfreak'z R…Info: This a free event created and given by the whole Bom Voyage crew and friends. You can support by making a donation into the magic hat which will be passing around, a tradition going on for already…Location: Droogbak 1 Near Amsterdam Central Station Vorbei: 8j 10m · 571 · Eingetragen von Back To Mars Fotos0 People Bom Voyage Kingsday Party Amsterdam · Niederlande · Karte Mi., 27.04.16, 12:00 - 20:00= 8stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 8j 10m