Party 23. - 24.07.11 · Open Air · TIMISOARA, Rumänien Line-Up: U-RECKEN (cyber oniro, israel) As a dedicated psychedelic artist U-Recken has managed through the years to capture the essence of psy music with structures, stories and melodies that touched thousand…NILAKSHY PARINA (udr, c.e.rec, romania) ۞NILAKSHY~PARINA۞ is a project started from Nila that is a very new producer from Romania, Timisoara. She started producing in May 2010 when she wa…Info: COMPLEX MONTE CARLO /com.Sag/Timis - 5km outside Timisoara city. - at the river Timis - surrounded by Forest - Camping place - Parking place - Food - Bar - Toilets - FOR THOSE WHO WANT STAY MORE AT TH…Location: Timisoara, Romania, com Sag, Complex Monte Carlo Party Image… Vorbei: 13j 7m · 4.816 · Eingetragen von Nilakshy Fotos0 People BLISSFULL JOURNEY Timisoara · Rumänien Sa., 23.07.11, 22:00 - So., 24.07., 06:30= 8std 30minOpen Air · Vorbei: 13j 7m