Party 16. - 17.09.06 · Indoor · Stockholm, Schweden Line-Up: MELORIX [Hypnotica Rec/Devilsmind Rec] [Belgium] WIZACK TWIZACK [Hypnotica Rec]Twist3d0n3 [Hypnotica Rec] Pacifist [Hypnotica Rec] Danet [Homewife Crew] Talos [Hypnotica Rec] Fluff [Dedicated Punders]Info: Release Party for Hypnotica Records second release, V/A Blah. On the party there will be some cd´s for sale. Only 500 copies is going to be released 14:th September, V/A-Blah (Compiled By Talos ) (Out…Location: TBA Vorbei: 18j 5m · 1.698 · Eingetragen von Talos Fotos0 People Blah - Release Party Stockholm · Schweden Sa., 16.09.06, 22:00 - So., 17.09., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 5m