Party 03. - 04.07.19 · Club · Koh Rong, Kambodscha Line-Up: RN3; Maji; Sha-lee; Special GuestInfo: The psychedelyc party is happening every first Wednesday of each month. Police Beach is in the tropical Cambodia island of Koh Rong, surrounded by the jungle and the see at night it become magic. Vorbei: 5j 8m · 529 · Eingetragen von Police Beach Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Black Hole Psychedelyc Gathering Koh Rong · Kambodscha · Karte Mi., 03.07.19, 22:00 - Do., 04.07., 09:00= 11stdClub · Vorbei: 5j 8m