Party 08. - 09.11.18 · Open Air · Pokhara, Nepal Line-Up: #Cactus (#Bluelight_Rec) #NPL #Shiva_Tandav (#Bluelight_Rec)#NPL #BabaDelic (AcidManiaC_Rec) (NP) Baba Delic #Ghising (#Prog_Dark_Forest) (#UEV_REC) #NPL Jay Ghising #ArtSamadhi #UEV_Records #SKOR…Info: Green Gathering Vol-VI [Gathering Of Tribes] As festival of light Tihar is running Green Gathering Movements unity team Family would like to invite you for BHAI TIKA Celebration with Pre. gathering fo…Location: 1 hours drive FROM POKHARA Vorbei: 6j 2m · 362 · Eingetragen von Pokhara Events Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Bhai Tika Celebration Pokhara · Nepal · Karte Do., 08.11.18, 01:00 - Fr., 09.11., 12:00= 1t 11stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 6j 2m