Party 11. - 12.11.17 · Indoor · Zágráb, Kroatien Line-Up: Hello dear ladies and gentlemen :) It's a big honour to announce our BGF winter season launching party. This time we are very happy to host our dear friends fanatics from Japan (MASALA/Neogoa Recs-Goa…Info: It's a big honour to announce our BGF winter season launching party. This time we are very happy to host our dear friends fanatics from Japan (MASALA/Neogoa Recs-Goa Madness Recs) and Serbia (DaPEACE/…Location: FUKS ex "Zeljeznicar" HALL, Trnjanska 1 10000 Zagr… Vorbei: 7j 3m · 233 · Eingetragen von Stevo/ZG Fotos0 People BGF proudly presents : Mashala Indoor season launch party Zágráb · Kroatien · Karte Sa., 11.11.17, 22:00 - So., 12.11., 07:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 3m