Party 30.04. - 01.05.08 · Indoor · Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: Absolut & Soth (VISU Records) Horizon (Cosmixed Society) Nacaal (VISU Records) Satyros (Spirit Sun) Tom Tune (VISU Records) Sitara (Psylence) cancelled her booking because of personal problems.Info: You can win your entry ! To win your 2x2 Tickets, write the full name of the abbreviation K.N.E.C.H.T. in the meeting point. The 2 most original answers will get free entry for themselves and another…Location: Florido Beach Vorbei: 16j 9m · 4.247 · Eingetragen von Soth Fotos0 People Beltane Vienna · Österreich Mi., 30.04.08, 22:00 - Do., 01.05., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 9m