Party 05. - 06.09.09 · Open Air · Near Den Bosch, Niederlande Line-Up: DJ MAYA Goa, psy, dark, progressive first night for a 10 hour live set DJ Monsieur Alexander India, world folk, ambiemtInfo: This the first party organised by "back to nature" The idea is to collect solar-energy during the day and playing out this energy through music during the night !Location: Update: Location will be anounched saturday 14.00.. Well it'… Vorbei: 15j 6m · 2.303 · Eingetragen von maya Fotos0 People Back to NATURE Near Den Bosch · Niederlande Sa., 05.09.09, 22:00 - So., 06.09., 08:00= 10stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 15j 6m