Party 23. - 24.02.18 · Indoor · Zürich, Schweiz Line-Up: JOINING US ON THIS FIRST EDITION: Vandal (Kaotik Records) UK Darktek (Underground Tekno / Astrofonik) FR LSDirty (Anubis Rec.) IT Katsumi Uncle Gypsy Elora SIDEFLOOR SUPPORT BY NO TIME FOR SILEN…Info: MORE INFOS: - on both floors will be a massive KV2 Soundsystem - Presale: 30.- - Abendkasse 35.- - Smoking Area Inside - Bar run by Friends and Family - Friendly Security - ID required!! Enrty 18+Location: Lexy Club Militärstrasse 84 Zürich 8004 Vorbei: 7j 16t · 787 · Eingetragen von SilasNtfs Fotos0 People Babylon: Raggatek in Zürich w/ Vandal LSDirty and Darktek Zürich · Schweiz · Karte Fr., 23.02.18, 22:00 - Sa., 24.02., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 16t