Party 23. - 24.09.09 · In- & Outdoor · Baltimore, Vereinigte Staaten Line-Up: goa/psy trance room: Lakhe Pakhe (Nepal) Exeris (AlterCulture Records, NYC/Baltimore)Info: ALL AGES! ALSO BYOB! BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGES! ALSO CAN BUY ALCOHOL AT STORE AROUND THE CORNERLocation: The Hexagon, 1825 N Charles St., Baltimore, MD, 21201 Vorbei: 15j 5m · 1.908 · Eingetragen von Exeris Fotos0 People Awakening goa/psy trance party Baltimore · Vereinigte Staaten Mi., 23.09.09, 21:00 - Do., 24.09., 02:00= 5stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 15j 5m