Party 24. - 25.12.05 · Club · Ljubljana, Slowenien Line-Up: DARKPSY (Acidance records / Trishula records .PORTUGAL)Jonathan (Acidance Records.PT) Togethernes AKA Zvuk Ahimze Vs Naveen (AudioDevlisH, LabsOfPerceptioN) Cu (AudioDevlisH, K4)Info: Darkpsy is Jonathan Molinari a French guy living in Portuga.l DarkPsy production is characterised with solid dark kicks, hard basslines and some amazing percussion games all toped with cosmic dimensio…Location: Klub K4 Vorbei: 19j 1m · 1.982 · Eingetragen von Cuich Fotos0 People -=AUDiODEVLISH =- Ljubljana · Slowenien Sa., 24.12.05, 22:00 - So., 25.12., 08:00= 10stdClub · Vorbei: 19j 1m