Party 26. - 27.10.24 · Indoor · Manchester, Großbritannien Line-Up: Line Up: - Screen Memory [LIVE] ( AudioAddictz/MMD Records ) - China Rose ( AudioAddictz/MMD Records ) - Dj Archive ( AudioAddictz/MMD Records) b2b - Mutated Pony ( AudioAddictz/Psy-Sisters/ Mechanik…Info: We are excited to announce our plans for this year's Halloween/Autumn edition of AudioAddictz Live. We are teaming up with Something Different Collaboration Gatherings to deliver this very special edi…Location: the old abbey tap house, Guildhall Close, M156SY Manchester Vorbei: 5m 4t · 137 · Eingetragen von AudioAddictz Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People AudioAddictz Live & Something Different presents Screen Memory EP Launch Manchester · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 26.10.24, 21:00 - So., 27.10., 03:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 5m 4t