Party 27. - 28.08.10 · Indoor · antwerp, Belgien Line-Up: ASTRAL PROJECTION Aether (starting belgian live act !!)FIRAGA NORION ELECTRIC LORD DOMIREInfo: limited cap!!! buy your presale bacause there will be place for only 400 people !! people from outside belgium can buy them on the website of fnac or send a message the place can have 600 people so th…Location: psychedelic mirror place noordkasteel antwerp Vorbei: 14j 6m · 4.124 · Eingetragen von firaga Fotos0 People ASTRAL PROJECTION LIVE @psychedelic mirrors ! antwerp · Belgien Fr., 27.08.10, 22:00 - Sa., 28.08., 06:30= 8std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 6m