Party 15. - 16.12.23 · Club · Lima, Peru Line-Up: Djs. - Nesthor - Goa Pschedelic igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D - Mazniak - Psytrance - Kike Alzamora - Psychedelic - Galax - Full on Night - Samir Mitre - Forest Vjs - Pixie - - Omar Sacin -Info: Progressive, Psytrance and Psychedelic trance meeting and party. Created to share a pleasant moment between lovers of electronic music and Psychedelia with our DJ and VJ friends from the local scene.Location: Md Club / Bendito Restobar, Calle Martin de Murúa 127, San Miguel, Lima Vorbei: 1j 2m · 197 · Eingetragen von Galax Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Astral Connection Lima · Peru · Karte Fr., 15.12.23, 22:00 - Sa., 16.12., 05:00= 7stdClub · Vorbei: 1j 2m