Party 24. - 25.11.17 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: ▬ ASTRAL CIRCUS presents JOURNEY aka JAY OM 'LIMITLESS' Album Launch Party. ▬ After a long voyage light-years through multiple universes Astral Circus h…Info: After a long voyage light-years through multiple universes Astral Circus has once again landed, ripping through the space-time fabric and beaming psychedelic frequencies directly into the consciousnes…Location: Electrowerkz 7 Torrens Street EC1V 1NQ London Vorbei: 7j 3m · 867 · Eingetragen von Tara Fotos0 People Astral Circus presents Journey 'Limitless' Album Launch London · Großbritannien · Karte Fr., 24.11.17, 22:00 - Sa., 25.11., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 3m