Party 08. - 09.06.13 · Indoor · Nottingham, Großbritannien Line-Up: ASTRALASIA FULL LIVE SHOW! LAUGHING BUDDHA LIVE!DJ FUZZY LOGIC (REMEDY) DAVE OM (ASCENSION) DJ IAH (TECHNICOLOUR)Info: Stunning decor, lights and visuals to excite, awaken and uplift. :) A total Mind-Body-Spirit dance experience in the glowing, pulsating, uplifting Cosmic Ascension Temple! :) ♥ ***UV STALLS ~ UV FACE…Location: The Marcus Garvey Ballroom Lenton Boulevard Nottingham NG7 2… Vorbei: 11j 9m · 1.304 · Eingetragen von Natalie Ascension Fotos0 People ASCENSION PRESENTS ASTRALASIA AND LAUGHING BUDDHA LIVE Nottingham · Großbritannien Sa., 08.06.13, 22:00 - So., 09.06., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 9m