Party 17. - 18.01.09 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: VOICE OF COD (Organic Recs, UK) 'Gone Fission' Album Launch SPECIAL GUEST PSYPOX (Zenon Recs, Denmark) SPECIAL GUESTBedouin (Further Project Recordings/Domo Recs, UK) Paul (Planet Bob/Offworld Festival, UK) DJ MiF (Mutagen Recs/Boogie Beats Recs, UK) Zooch (Yegaveda/Arkona Creation Recs, Lithuania/UK) Nolan Shmolan…Info: Chai Chillum will be grinding the spice with a return to the early 'Goa chaishop' experience - White clouds and all ;-) Friendly and safe atmosphere, security, bar etc. Limited capacity 250people VA P…Location: Secret location - infoline +447846651144 or join us on Faceb… Vorbei: 16j 1m · 2.042 · Eingetragen von Zooch Fotos0 People Arkona Creation: 'PERKUNEYA' compilation lounch event London · Großbritannien Sa., 17.01.09, 22:00 - So., 18.01., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 1m