Party 05. - 06.05.07 · Indoor · Salzburg, Österreich / 5 Line-Up: TSUYOSHI ( Japan) Daka (Otherland) Magenius (Vienna) Benji (24/7)Info: The japanese DJ Tsuyoshi is one of the pioneers of Psytrance. He started playing in 1992/1993 and founded the legendary London-based label Matsuri in 1994. Tsuyoshi has been one of the most successful…Location: Argekultur Salzburg ( Vorbei: 17j 10m · 2.470 · Eingetragen von otherland productions Fotos0 People Anderswelt- Japanese Whispers Salzburg · Österreich Sa., 05.05.07, 22:00 - So., 06.05., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · / 5 · Vorbei: 17j 10m