Party 30. - 31.07.11 · Open Air · GOVERNORS BEACH - LIMASSOL, Zypern Line-Up: ٠•●ૐ●•٠ Main Stage ٠•●ૐ●•٠ ★★ Progressive & Full-on Psychedelic trance ★★ Live Act : AJJA - SWITZYAB YUM - SWITZ Dj…Info: FACILITIES Cheap food & Drinks Accessories & Clothes stalls Free camping & chai shop and chill out areas Shuttle Bus from Limassol (with reservation) a thousand star sandy beach..... feel free to brin…Location: Governors Beach Vorbei: 13j 8m · 2.290 · Eingetragen von Hypotoxic Fotos0 People AMAVASYA BEACH PARTY Governors Beach - Limassol · Zypern Sa., 30.07.11, 20:00 - So., 31.07., 09:00= 13stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 13j 8m