Party 07. - 08.07.07 · Open Air · Frauenfeld TG, Schweiz / 8 Line-Up: Alien vs the Cat (H2O) Israel (First Time Live in Switzerland!!! Are presenting their new Album “Hear the Noise”) Space Cat (H2O) Israel Alien Project (H2O) Israel (Is presenting his new Album “Activa…Rastarix (FantasyIsland) Jin Jin & Cave (FantasyIsland) Hank (FantasyIsland) Tazmanics (FantasIsland) Djane Venus Vibes (PML / ANP, most famous DJ of Kopangan Thailand) Psycharox (Woodrom) Pinky&Brain…Info: Powerfull Soundsystem Multicolor Lasershow Videoanimations Fireshow by Fuego Flashing Lights Shopping Area Chaotika Food Bong in Motion Area Bei Regen gedecktLocation: AUTO: Von (Bern/Basel/Zürich) A1 Richtung St. Gallen - Winte… Vorbei: 17j 8m · 7.146 · Eingetragen von Erik Fotos0 People AlienSpace Project FantasyIsland Frauenfeld TG · Schweiz Sa., 07.07.07, 07:00 - So., 08.07., 18:00= 1t 11stdOpen Air · / 8 · Vorbei: 17j 8m