Party 17. - 18.09.10 · Club · Sydney, Australien Line-Up: CPU - Nutek, 3D Vision Records - LIVE This highly creative artist is without doubt one of the finest and most innovative psychedelic producers. With more than a 100 tracks out on CDs and EPs in more t…+ESP Dj's & guestsInfo: Aktiv - Aktivate Your Senses! We Invite you to witness the psychedelic master of the hi-tech sound as he presents a fresh live show alongside The Chemical Messenger - One Melbourne's new breed of unde…Location: Plantation 2A Rosyln St- Kings Cross Vorbei: 14j 5m · 1.388 · Eingetragen von fourthdimension Fotos0 People AKTIV - feat CPU (Nutek) & CHEMICAL MESSENGER - LIVE Sydney · Australien Fr., 17.09.10, 22:00 - Sa., 18.09., 06:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 14j 5m