Party 17. - 18.12.05 · Indoor · Zurich-Uster, Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: LEMURIANS (Shiva Space Tech, Germany & Norway) ALTERNATIVE CONTROL (Proton Rec, Serbia) SAFI CONNECTION (Spliff Music, Israel) LIQUID ON SAFI (Spliff Music, Israel) LIQUID PHASE (Spliff Music, Israel)…SALLY DOOLALLY (Plastik Park, Great Britain) ANDY SHIVA /Shiva Space Tech, Germany) DAKSINAMURTI (Organic Rec, Germany) ASTRONOM (Dimensionssprung, Germany) BLIXBULLER (Mythos, CH-Schwyz) TSUNAMIX (My…Info: CD Release Party: Mythos Production 2006, compiled by DJ Tsunamix with tracks from: Spiritual Enhancer, Dizzy Mind & System Brothers Burn in Noise Backspace Phanatic Uriya Jirah Feedback Remix Blue Pl…Location: Trümplerareal Zürich-Uster, from Zürich A1 direction Winther… Vorbei: 19j 2m · 4.032 · Eingetragen von Chiron Fotos0 People Age of Hippieness Zurich-Uster · Schweiz Sa., 17.12.05, 20:00 - So., 18.12., 15:00= 19stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 19j 2m