Party 06. - 07.11.04 · Indoor · Uster (near Zürich), Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: Protoculture (Nano) ZA Safi Connection (Spliff Music) IL Fatali (BNE/Alchemy) IL Goma (Nandan) CH B-Tone (Synercetic) IL Wood Whisper (Didgeridoo Grooves) CH Wattäbäuschäli (Chillout Liveact) CHPhantomas (Com.pact) CH Jackomo (Nandan) CH Tsunamix (Mythos) CH Fidimohnius (Kokopelli) CH Djane Gaby (Chillospheric) SLO Vaporisator (Mansura) CH Anam Cara (pro:Tuberance) IRL Harry Syriom (syriom.c…Info: Birthdayparty Tsunamix & Chiron. with love peace and hippieness for the one and only world!Location: Trümplerareal Uster, from Zürich A1 direction Wintherthur ti… Vorbei: 20j 4m · 3.181 · Eingetragen von Chiron Fotos0 People Age of Hippieness Uster (near Zürich) · Schweiz Sa., 06.11.04, 20:00 - So., 07.11., 14:00= 18stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 20j 4m