Party 31.12. - 01.01.19 · Indoor · Schaffhausen, Schweiz Line-Up: New Year is the end of the past and the beginning of the future. In addition, well-known actors and labels have joined together and offer you a spectacular New Year Gathering. As usual with a Trip To…Info: Ticket Link: -->Location: BBC-Arena Schweizersbildstrasse 10 8207 Schaffhausen Vorbei: 6j 1m · 5.265 · Eingetragen von ZORA Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People A Trip To Darkness 4 - New Year Gathering Schaffhausen · Schweiz · Karte Mo., 31.12.18, 22:00 - Di., 01.01.19, 16:00= 18stdIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 1m