Party 27. - 28.02.16 · Indoor · Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien Line-Up: The emphasis in rave culture on physiologically compatible rhythms and this sort of thing is really the rediscovery of the art of natural magic with sound, that sound, properly understood, especially…Location: Issaura Str. Republicii nr 7 in the yard <3 Vorbei: 9j 13t · 154 · Eingetragen von A Patra Dimensiune Fotos0 People ☀ A Patra Dimensiune ⊙ First year together ⊙ Birthday Bash ☀ Cluj-Napoca · Rumänien · Karte Sa., 27.02.16, 23:00 - So., 28.02., 12:00= 13stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 13t