Party 25. - 26.04.09 · Indoor · Spoor1, Rotterdam Harbour District, Niederlande / 1 Line-Up: I would like to invite you for my birthdayparty A Journey into Darkness --<< the Comprehenise Brainwash Edition >>-- We are from planet NIBURU we don't know sex we only masturbe the brain…Mind Distortion System (PT/BE) . Lycantrop Records Gopa (NL) . Infected Grooves Yata-Garasu (BE) . ICC records / skitzophrenik lifeform records . H.S.S records / xtream dimension records . Entheo (PT)…Location: Spoor 1 Marconistraat 37 3029 Rotterdam (5 min walk from met… Vorbei: 15j 10m · 2.689 · Eingetragen von CampAttack Fotos0 People A Journey intoDarkness, the Comprehenise Brainwash Edition Spoor1, Rotterdam Harbour D… · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 25.04.09, 22:00 - So., 26.04., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 15j 10m