Party 28. - 29.04.06 · Indoor · Wien, Österreich / 4 Line-Up: Djanes... Anneli (Fullmoon/ Burningman) Sweden Back to Mars (Cytopia Records / Prog as a Frog) Brasil Gaby (W.O.T.) Slovenia Ganjie (Mida Rec. - A) Odinja (Lebe Liebe Lache - A) 22:00-23:45 Odinja 23:…Info: imm-ra´-ma - noun (orig. gaelic) - a journey of self-discovery, a voyage of exploration into the wonders of our infinite potential, through which the seeker gains new wisdom, personal insight and inne…Location: The Monastery Landstrasserhauptstrasse 38 1030 Wien (U3 Roch… Vorbei: 18j 10m · 3.256 · Eingetragen von °°Immrama°° Fotos0 People A Djanes Night .. Wien · Österreich Fr., 28.04.06, 22:00 - Sa., 29.04., 09:00= 11stdIndoor · / 4 · Vorbei: 18j 10m