Party 26. - 27.01.18 · Indoor · Kranj, Slowenien Line-Up: ++++CHAGADELIA, institute for the mentally Deranged presents++++ ---RUBY MY DEAR--- PREPARE TO get FragMented by one of the most INSANE live acts out there! Dont miss this UNIQUE performance! Ruby My…Location: TrainStation SubArt Kolodvorska cesta 8 4000 Kranj Vorbei: 7j 1m · 387 · Eingetragen von NiBiRu Fotos0 People Chagadelia proudly presents: Ruby My Dear Kranj · Slowenien · Karte Fr., 26.01.18, 22:00 - Sa., 27.01., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 1m