Party 25. - 30.04.18 · Festival · Almonte, Spanien Line-Up: AWWEN (Gloom Music, Spain) BATTOUSAI (Magnitud, Portugal) BACK TO MARS (Occulta, Brazil) BLAU (Transition, Spain) DAKSINAMURTI (Sangoma, Germany) FAGIN´S REJECT (Wildthings, Uk) FOG (Looney Moon…Info: TRANSITION is a powerfull shamanic experience in a magical location under the full moon after the Spring Ecquinox. It is an initiation into the dance trance and a new door into another dimension with…Location: Transition Festival is a full moon open air trance festival… Vorbei: 6j 10m · 5.764 · Eingetragen von Transition Crew Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People TRANSITION 2018 ::: Full Moon Open Air Trance Festival Almonte · Spanien · Karte Mi., 25.04.18, 22:30 - Mo., 30.04., 07:00= 4t 8stdFestival · Vorbei: 6j 10m