Party 31.01. - 05.02.18 · Festival · Praia Grande - SC, Brasilien Line-Up: - LIVES - Anoebis & Skeleton Hex (Long set 10 hours ) Battle of the future buddhas (Sweden). Shiva Om ( Ukraine ) Lacerta ( Ukraine) Amrita ( Ukraine) Prog frog ( Ukraine ) Uttu ( Brazil ) Marambá ( B…Info: Kundalini is one of the main festivals in Brazil, which is located on the land of canyons, near the national park Aparados da Serra, for adventures and explorers this your way! Its main musical foc…Location: Praia Grande / Brazil - The land of canyons. Vorbei: 7j 1m · 2.283 · Eingetragen von Kundalini Festival Fotos0 People Kundalini Festival 2018 - Ed.Vôo da Serpente Praia Grande - SC · Brasilien · Karte Mi., 31.01.18, 08:00 - Mo., 05.02., 18:00= 5t 10stdFestival · Vorbei: 7j 1m