Party 25. - 26.03.17 · Indoor · Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien Line-Up: We are looking in the mirror everyday. What do we see? The simplest type of symmetry is reflection. Our life is the reflection of our thoughts, and our thoughts are the reflection of our character. An…Location: Gasoline Pub Bolyai Janos nr 12 (vis-a-vis de Sora, pe străd… Vorbei: 7j 10m · 99 · Eingetragen von viorella Fotos0 People Psychedelic Symmetry Cluj-Napoca · Rumänien · Karte Sa., 25.03.17, 23:00 - So., 26.03., 08:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 10m