Party 29. - 30.04.17 · In- & Outdoor · Iz-Zurrieq, Malta Line-Up: Goa's most cherished record label comes home with Giuseppe the Godfather of Psychedelic Trance for the first time ever on these magical islands of Malta for a night to remember. Line up will be short…Info: the club is very close to the airport ask taxi driver to drop you at the garden of eden in zurrieq, warehouse is part of garden of edenLocation: The Warehouse Club Triq Il-Barrieri ZRQ 3467 Iz-Zurrieq Vorbei: 7j 10m · 715 · Eingetragen von natraj- dancing shiva Fotos0 People Parvati Records Label Party In Malta -Open Air Psychedelia Iz-Zurrieq · Malta · Karte Sa., 29.04.17, 18:00 - So., 30.04., 06:00= 12stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 7j 10m