Party 10. - 11.12.16 · Indoor · Leiden, Niederlande Line-Up: Pat (The Music Temple) Hakimono Zhoe (Magistrat, Twilight) Gestalt Effect (Mazzo, Paradiso) Jules Dago (Nighttown, LVC; Lost Galaxy)Info: Our Montly Twilight events is soon coming. The 10th of December we have another event and this time with Trance lover Pat. Our residents dj's will be there as well playing various deep-techno & progre…Location: Morsstraat 35, Leiden 5 minuten walk from Leiden CS. 1 minut… Vorbei: 8j 12t · 521 · Eingetragen von joker-jd Fotos0 People Twilight - Chocolate Factory - Leiden · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 10.12.16, 22:30 - So., 11.12., 05:00= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 12t