Party 12. - 14.08.16 · Festival · Bolesov, Slowakei Line-Up: In the year 1999 Cosmic Dance organized the first big psy-trance event in Slovakia and since then the tradition continued for several years. Fast forward to 2016, after a longer period of guru meditat…Info: CAMPING Feel free to bring your tent and camp on the site. Rooms at Chata Gilianka guesthouse are all sold out. PARKING A guarded parking place is available outside the party area. No cars are allowed…Location: Chata Gilianka Bolešov 459, 018 53 Bolešov, Slovakia GPS: 49… Vorbei: 8j 6m · 2.750 · Eingetragen von Cosmic Dance Fotos0 People Cosmic Dance Festival Bolesov · Slowakei · Karte Fr., 12.08.16, 20:00 - So., 14.08., 14:00= 1t 18stdFestival · Vorbei: 8j 6m