Party 22.03.16, 10:00 - 10:00 · Open Air · kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: ॐ Open Holi Gathering ॐ ::░▒▓█ Ψ LIVE ACTS Ψ █▓▒░:: ۞䷃ SPECIAL LIVE ACT 3 HRS ䷃۞ ☯ Braindrop ( Omveda / Occulta Recs ) India The man behind the project Braindrop is Sumith Suresh, a ve…Location: Bikalpa Art Center, Opp Sajha Petrol Pump, Pulchowk Vorbei: 8j 11m · 231 · Eingetragen von Sacred Circuits Fotos0 People Holi Gathering ft BRAINDROP ( OMVEDA/OCCULTA,OCCULTECH RECS) kathmandu · Nepal · Karte Di., 22.03.16, 10:00 - 10:00= jetztOpen Air · Vorbei: 8j 11m