Party 01. - 04.09.16 · Festival · Chahtoul, Libanon Line-Up: 4 Days, 3 Nights & 2 Stages. Music, Arts & Camping Festival. A celebration of life. -- for all the information programs, location, how to participate & tickets! ♦ 1,500 person capacity ONLY ♦ ❖ Tic…Info: For volunteers, presentations or workshops, shops, stalls, food vendors, market places visit the website to applyLocation: Chahtoul Camping, Chahtoul, Mount-Lebanon, Lebanon 34.028908… Vorbei: 8j 6m · 4.301 · Eingetragen von Mad Hatter Fotos0 People Hexaplex Festival 2016 Chahtoul · Libanon · Karte Do., 01.09.16, 12:00 - So., 04.09., 18:00= 3t 6stdFestival · Vorbei: 8j 6m