Party 27. - 28.02.16 · Club · Monsano - AN, Italien Line-Up: Special Guest ॐ E-Clip ॐ [ Iono-Music - Serbia] ▸ ▸ The sun and the moon have always been perceived as opposites; the sun is the active, rational, masculine and materialistic part of the world which…Info: NO TESSERA, NO DOGSLocation: MIAMI CLUB - Via Liguria 24, 60030 Monsano - AN Google Maps… Vorbei: 8j 11m · 795 · Eingetragen von polenarec Fotos0 People ★ Psy Adventures pres. E-CLIP (Iono Music - Serbia) ★ Monsano - AN · Italien · Karte Sa., 27.02.16, 23:00 - So., 28.02., 08:00= 9stdClub · Vorbei: 8j 11m