Party 19. - 20.03.16 · Indoor · Madrid, Spanien Line-Up: ● GET READY FOR A KILLER LINEUP ! WITH INTERNATIONAL LIVE ACTS, THAT WILL PERFORM AT MODEM THIS YEAR, AND NATIONAL KILLER ARTISTS ! 2 DIFERENT DANCEFLOOR WITH THE MOST PSYCHEDELIC SOUNDS THIS TIME ! ✷…Info: ● Mo:Dem Festival is back in Madrid ! Ritual crew and Mo:Dem crew are preparing an amazing night in the capital of Spain, trying to bring the vibes and the best music of the Croatian festival ! Be rea…Location: ✬ LOCATION ✬ Pirandello 1 & 2 . Bajos de la plaza de los cub… Vorbei: 8j 11m · 1.088 · Eingetragen von ForestBamp Fotos0 People RITUAL ( Modem Festival Teaser Party! ) @ Madrid Madrid · Spanien · Karte Sa., 19.03.16, 23:00 - So., 20.03., 08:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 11m