Party 23. - 24.01.16 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande Line-Up: ==== LINE UP : (not timetable) ==== Hole 1 : Psychedelic / Twilight / Dark / Forest =====…Info: === The first edition was epic.... The second edition was iconic.... Join us in this 3rd adventure underground. Ther…Location: Pop Dijkemaweg 31b Groningen (NL) Vorbei: 9j 1m · 1.126 · Eingetragen von Pandorras Box Fotos0 People Beats Down The Rabbithole 3.0 Groningen · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 23.01.16, 22:00 - So., 24.01., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 1m