Party 21. - 22.03.15 · Indoor · Brixton, Großbritannien Line-Up: COOP & JONES ANTIVIRUS B2B FIRAS LORENZO BARRERO MARK CHARLES MARK WALKER CRAIG FOWLER ALEX ROBINSON HOLLEYInfo: On Saturday 21st March, Club 414 will be opening it's door for a night of Progressive Trance, Uplifting Trance, Classic Trance, Tech Trance and Psy Trance. DJ's on the night, playing the best in the a…Location: 414 Coldharbour lane Vorbei: 9j 11m · 249 · Eingetragen von Club 414 Fotos0 People Trancelucid - A Night of Progressive, Trance and Psy Brixton · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 21.03.15, 23:00 - So., 22.03., 07:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 11m