Party 13. - 14.02.15 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: ♪ ♪ ♪ LINEUP ♪ ♪ ♪ (upstairs Mainstage) M-Theory (Alchemy Records / UK) Squee (Nutek Records / Portugal) Dexter Psychedelic (Poland)Info: Marcello ‘M-THEORY’ is a psytrance producer and DJ from London. His sound features a distinctive and fat kick&bass with tight rhythms and funky loops delivering a unique psychedelic groove to the danc…Location: The Pint Bar & Venue Address: 28 Eden Quay, Dublin 1 Vorbei: 9j 11m · 204 · Eingetragen von Squee Fotos0 People ૐ My Psychedelic Valentines with M-Theory ૐ Dublin · Irland · Karte Fr., 13.02.15, 22:00 - Sa., 14.02., 03:00= 5stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 11m