Party 30. - 31.08.14 · Open Air · Horna Streda, Slowakei Line-Up: Main Stage: -NAHIMANA--2Mushrooms/A -M.a.O.a.M.--2Mushrooms/A -GUBO--2Mushrooms/Sk -PSYONICLE--Zahadum Sphere/Sk -HRAXXO--Art Of Vision/SK -DEMENTED--2Mushrooms/Sk -MINDMAZING--Progressive Foundation/…Info: H Kaleta Photography ® and PINO PLᎠHorná Streda present the second edition of a successfull open air party with 3 music stages. Natural & live music, Psytrance, goa trance, dance, chill out, dub &…Location: Horna Streda Vorbei: 10j 6m · 1.007 · Eingetragen von Demented Fotos0 People Colours of Summer OA Horna Streda · Slowakei · Karte Sa., 30.08.14, 20:00 - So., 31.08., 12:00= 16stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 10j 6m