Party 28. - 29.06.14 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland Line-Up: Chillin Berlin (Germany)Info: Nomad goes on vacation until autumn and before that wants to gather us together, to celebrate the summer and the season of festivals! Special guests of our last night are ChillinBerlin and Stebbing 3D…Location: Psybient chai bar NOMAD Mahlower Str. 32, 12049 Berlin U8 Bo… Vorbei: 10j 8m · 1.172 · Eingetragen von Evo Nomad Fotos0 People Farewell with CHILLINBERLIN and STEBBING 3D! Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 28.06.14, 21:30 - So., 29.06., 02:00= 4std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 8m