Party 17. - 18.05.14 · In- & Outdoor · Hamburg, Deutschland / 1 Line-Up: Live: Psycobold (with his new EP "All Suns Dawn" on Sun Department Rec) Dj´s: Francis Raa Moon Chrizzlix Psyfonic Psynatix Letronix Huse ...and more Acts from the big famil…Info: Hello friends, we celebrate a party for the big trance family and our new friends from Hamburg, Berlin and everywhere.... Simultaneously we have the birthday of "PsyDiggen" (one of the famou…Location: Hamburg - S- Bahn Hammerbrook Vorbei: 10j 9m · 3.395 · Eingetragen von FrancisFDS Fotos0 People Simsala Sun - The Gathering of the Sun Family Hamburg · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 17.05.14, 22:00 - So., 18.05., 10:00= 12stdIn- & Outdoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 10j 9m