Party 09.03.14, 17:00 - 17:00 · In- & Outdoor · Bangalore, Indien Line-Up: ... mADDEST Line up OF THIS Season .... Mad maxx X.S.I WILD MONKEYS SUpporting Acts : TBA STATE OF DECOR : VANTRA VICHITRA MORE INFO & PASSES CONTACT : 7760342266MAD MAXX LIVE [ UNITED BEATS RECORDS, PHANTASM RECS, USA ] Max Peterson has been performing and releasing his unique brand of trance music under various project names since 1998. Max was born in San D…Info: Surprise Opening Acts *** Visionary Decore By Vantara Vichitra Visual by VJ Zombie Fire dance And Lots more... VENUE : Pebble PEBBLE - the jungle lounge Lets Do This The Festival Style ..!!! Bangal…Location: The Pebble, Bellary Rd, Jayamahal, Bangalore, Karnataka 5600… Vorbei: 10j 11m · 738 · Eingetragen von limpetz Fotos0 People --- MAD MAXX --- X.S.I --- WILD MONKEYS @ PEBBLE , SUNDAY MARCH 9TH [AFTER DARK Bangalore · Indien · Karte So., 09.03.14, 17:00 - 17:00= jetztIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 10j 11m