Party 10. - 17.02.14 · Festival · Palenque, Colón, Panama Line-Up: Ott Perfect Stranger Symbolic LOUD Entheogenic Rising Appalachia The Human Experience Klopfgeister E-Clip Tron James Monro Greg Hilight Tribe Dirty Saffi Kalya Scintilla Kaminanda Merkaba Soul Visions…Osho Arturo Maia Brian Sensient Dan Massive DJ Shahar Mat Mushroom Hilight Tribe DJ set DJ Nuky DJ Rikam Zen Simon Baring Ipcress MI5 Robin Triskele Michal Scheffler Naasko Djane Gaby Charles Bell Ely…Info: A truly psychedelic transformational festival for tribes of the world. Adding to an amazing international lineup, possibly the worlds most beautiful location the Caribbean sea, with artists from ar…Location: Uninhabited Caribbean beach in Panama There will be a shuttl… Vorbei: 11j 5t · 2.991 · Eingetragen von MI5 Fotos0 People Tribal Gathering 2014 Palenque, Colón · Panama · Karte Mo., 10.02.14, 10:00 - Mo., 17.02., 12:00= 7t 2stdFestival · Vorbei: 11j 5t