Party 29. - 30.04.13 · Indoor · Den Haag, Niederlande Line-Up: CavemenFluofreax Gopa Virus (Babapower / Psychedelic.FMInfo: - Koning(inne)NACH - This year will be the last time will be able to celebrate Queensnight and Queensday From the 30st of April the Dutch will have a new king: King Lex! We'll see you on the danc…Location: Bazart Loosduinsekade 725, The Hague, The Netherlands Vorbei: 11j 9m · 1.173 · Eingetragen von Fotos0 People 'Lexy in the Sky with Diamonds' Den Haag · Niederlande · Karte Mo., 29.04.13, 22:00 - Di., 30.04., 05:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 9m